Tuesday, 26 October 2021

S12D4: Wind(less)ies & Fragrant chamPAK


"We tried hard to blow. But the tank is so empty!"
(c) Windless Evening by Jerzy Werbel

Defending champions are defenseless. They lived and died by the sharp sword in the first game. This time, it was a blunt blade. At least it was swifter a few days back. #WindOutOfSail #SAvsWI

"Whatever be the case, our game must smell good!"
(c) Pot Pourri Painting by Herbert James Draper (1897)

Misfields crept in. Bad balls happened. But the shape was never lost. Even the oldies Malik & Hafeez contributed. And that faaasst Rauf - Oooof! Pakistan is definitely smelling good. #Fresh&Raring

Guess Section

Regular service kind of resumed with more guesses coming in. Current status below.

Tomorrow's games are:

BAN vs ENG @ Abu Dhabi
NAM vs SCO @ Abu Dhabi

Keep them coming.

Quiz Section

Naturally an easy one did get many responses. 16!!!

Here are the good souls that tried and got it. Some took a few minutes; some took a few hours and one even got the grid size wrong. Each one of us is made differently, after all!

And the people who got the answers right in the order of me receving the pictures are:

Arjun, Tukka, Rambo, Sivamani, Adarsh, SivaG, Shankar Hari, Anand Re, Shankar, Reuben, Ajay, Guru, Ganesh Kumar, Raghavan Mohan, Annie SivaG, Arun Jayaraman

The last one gets 4 while all else get 5. Good show folks.

Here is a rough collage of all your answers. I was too lazy to label them. You can choose the one that looks nice and cute. Have fun. Thanks for the high degree of participation.

Now for the next question.

I love my roman numerals. When will sqrt(iii+dclxxii/iii)-i be equal to l? [3 points]

For clarity: sqrt stands for the square-root function. 
Have fun. Stay Safe. Stay Masked.

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